Sunday, June 22, 2008

06/01/08 - 06/22/08

2 x Kirin. Drops not even worth posting, Good job everyone on the killz!

Full god run ~ Grats
Cerus, Barrydingle, Eons, JeffreyJelly, Lordgrayhawk, Eban, Damnit

Great drops today at sky!! Congratulations everyone!!

We went 1/5 on Ugg. Pendant tonite /cry. But we will have another one of these events soon. Congrat's to Xenoichii!

Another great god night! Congratulations Xenoichii, Rinoaheartily, Sepheria, Epistemology x2

Well done again guys, some very nice drops tonight! congrats Didgeron - Neptunal Body
Diamoness - Kirins Osode, Saviour - Neptunal Body, Rision - Dryadic Body